Good Friday is a conundrum for many people. Easter is such a major holiday in the Christian faith that it seems like it would also be a government holiday. It’s not, though. But that doesn’t mean everything will be open.
Markets, governments and businesses usually agree on days off, but they have differing policies when it comes to Good Friday. Confused? Don’t worry. Here’s what you can expect.
Are banks open on Good Friday?
Yes—and no. Good Friday is not a federal holiday, so banks in most states will be open. Twelve states, however, recognize Good Friday as a state holiday, so branches in Connecticut, Texas, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Tennessee, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina and North Dakota could be closed.
Will there be any mail delivery on Good Friday?
Yes. Since this isn’t a federal holiday, the U.S. Postal Service will operate as it does on any other day. UPS and FedEx will conduct business as usual, also—and their drop off locations will have normal hours.
Is the stock market open on Good Friday?
Here’s where things get a little confusing. The stock market observes Good Friday as a holiday, so the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq will both be closed.
Are government offices open on Good Friday?
As with banks, it really comes down to where you live. Since 12 states recognize the day as an official holiday, you won’t be able to access DMV offices, courts or city halls in Connecticut, Texas, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Tennessee, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina and North Dakota.
Which retail and grocery stores are closed on Good Friday?
Almost none. No major retailer shuts down for Good Friday—and several hold Easter or Spring sales hoping to lure in last-minute shoppers who are assisting the Easter Bunny this Sunday.
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