- Why, oh why, do politicians not think before opening their mouths? The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, felt it necessary to share how “blessed” he felt not to have to bear the burden of having children with disabilities. It wasn’t long before Morrison was forced to try explaining what he meant by that. His non-apology was exactly what we’ve come to expect from our “Leaders”.
- “24/7 Wall St.” released their list of US states where wrongful dismissal of employees continues to be an issue. It shouldn’t be surprising that disability factored quite highly in many regions. In many states, Disability was 2nd only to Retaliation in these cases.
- In New Brunswick, ArtsNB has increased access to their programs, specific to the application process for artists with disabilities. From their April 2022 Newsletter:
“In 2020, artsnb launched two new Accessibility and Equity programs: Application Assistance and Access Support.”
Unfortunately, it appears that increased access has come at the expense of per-application grant maximums. Tl;dr – more persons will be able to apply for less aid per applicant.
- Across the Atlantic Pond, Wales introduced a PWD “passport” intended to enhance providing services for those with disabilities. Few details have been released
[Personal note: I applaud any effort to assist PWD living full lives in their community. However, creating IDs places the responsibility of disability on the PWD, rather than accepting and embracing that all persons should have equal access to services at all times — without resorting to “identifying” certain people. This hasn’t gone well in the past.]
- To finish the week, we have welcome news for our LGBT+ PWD: Willow Pill wins RPDR! For the first time in fourteen regular (and many spin-off) seasons, the latest winner was very open about their disability, Cystinosis, and its effects. This writer hopes that the coming year will be filled with grand adventures, new friends, and great success for Willow Pill.
In closing, I know that our lives can often feel like one challenge after another. As PWD, we struggle daily simply to survive, be seen as equal, and fully engage in our communities. We, however, do not back down from challenges:
I do not regret any of the challenges of my youth. Each experience shaped me into what I am today. If you want to understand my and my motivations, look backward.
Princess Irulan, Conversations with Muad’Dib – (The Winds of Dune; Herbert, B. & Anderson, K.J.)
Be well, Gentle Reader,
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