Full service creative house Blue Vector has announced the launch of its own homegrown film agency Dot Films.
Prior to this, Blue Vector has operated mostly as a monolithic creative house, providing creative services – branding, films, social media marketing and the likes. Starting this year, Blue Vector has strategised to ride out the agency wave with separate businesses for its separate services, each with their own specialisation and business strategy, with Dot Films being the first.
“Trying to be good at everything while also doing everything isn’t very prudent from a growth point of view, especially in the agency business. So, the idea was to scale through a semi-organic method of networking, offshoring, acquisitions and business spin-offs,” said Piyush Kedia, founder and chief executive officer, Blue Vector.
The Dot leadership will comprise the team that looked primarily after films in Blue Vector, namely Yashi Paswan, Shrey Deepranjan and Rhiju Talukdar. Their aim is to create form-first audio-visual spectacles that look and sound artful and evoke emotions.
“I think for the Dot team it’s been a very natural and also personal progression, almost cathartic, to finally put Dot into action. Here’s to doing some literally intent led work going forward,” said Yashi Paswan, Dot’s Co founder and creative producer.
The team has plans to continue to grow these verticals and also its own partnerships and networks with agencies and talent in India and abroad.
“The lockdowns gave us a lot of time to plan and strategise, and that’s why I think we were fortunate to be able to start executing all this. We’re about to do some very interesting things and I’m very keenly looking forward to this future,” concluded Kedia.
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