In partnership with Egress, don’t miss this live panel webinar on September 9, 3pm BST, with industry-leading speakers from Allegiant, Egress and TechForge Media.

About the webinar: How To Layer Your Email Security In Microsoft 365 For Maximum Protection
Risks to your email security have never been greater. New and sophisticated phishing attacks are constantly incoming, while employees remain heavily reliant on email communication to support hybrid working, increasing the chance of data loss.
With Microsoft’s native security technology deployed, you now need to examine the next layer to your email security defense. Register for free here.
Key Webinar Takeaways:
- Why organisations using Microsoft 365 are leaking more data
- The impacts Microsoft 365 businesses are feeling from email data loss
- The key limitations of Microsoft 365’s DLP function
- How to protect your organisation with intelligent human layer security
Key Information:
Topic: How To Layer Your Email Security In Microsoft 365 For Maximum Protection
Duration: 45 mins
Date & Time: Thursday September 9, 2021 | 3 PM (BST) / 4PM (CEST) / 10AM (EDT)
Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GMG9wsICRcG5fNccbPYX8Q
Egress, Senior Product Sales Director: Jamie Davies
Allegiant, CISO / Chief Information Security Officer: Rob Hornbuckle
CloudTech News, Editor in Chief: Duncan MacRae (Moderator)
To join this webinar on 9th September, you can register for free via Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5516274613846/WN_EOKJbvAQRAOV6JSISG40qA
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