While brands already have so much to focus on, another priority should be staying up to date. Moving with the times is key, so staying flexible is essential. You can’t ignore the goings on in the world and hope to stay relevant or resonate with your audience. Here are some pointers that will help you to stay relevant:
Stay In Touch With Your Customers
Talking to your customers regularly will give you an idea of how to improve and move forward. You might think that you’re already great at what you do, but you shouldn’t assume that you know what your customers want from you. You can’t think for them. Find solutions to the problems they are having currently, and try to gather as much information from them as you can as you go. What issues are they experiencing? Ask questions in public forums and across social media channels. The information you get will help you to get a clearer picture of the value you provide and how to get better.
Consider The Brand Experience As A Whole
Your story should be at the heart of your brand. Is your story coming across in the things you do? Is it consistent across every channel you use? How do people experience your brand? Making sure your voice and tone are the same across all messaging, as well as colors and other branding elements, will ensure you strengthen your brand.
Release Relevant Content
Content is still king, but it must be relevant if you’re going to make an impact on your audience. Use emotion to appeal to your followers, and start conversations. Talk about everything going on in real time and see if there are ways you can help. Staying up to date with world news and other things going on in your industry will ensure your audience knows that you care. Any digital marketing agency worth its salt will tell you that relevant content released on the right platforms at the right time will make a huge difference to your results.
Put Your Customers First
Everything you do should be customer focused. Listening to what your customers want and providing solutions is one thing, but you should be putting them front and center of everything you do. Your customers will be able to tell when you truly care about what they think and want.
Trust Is Loyalty
Once you build trust with your audience, you have their loyalty. Loyal customers are far more likely to share your brand with the people they know. They will become ambassadors for your brand, providing you continue to treat them right. You don’t just want to focus on new customers, but your previous customers. Great support, aftercare advice, and even incentives like loyalty cards can help.
Focus On Sustainability
Sustainable practices are something else most businesses are implementing now. We need to care for the planet, reduce our carbon footprints, and do the most to prove that we are responsible. Many people will now only work with sustainable businesses to reduce their own personal impact.
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President, @B2BNewsnetwork (launched Nov 2014). Content, community and analytics obsessed. Inventor @squeezecmm. Past chair, @itac_online @whiteribbon

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