If your marketing goal is to drive traffic to your website, you’ve come to the right place. No matter how intricate your marketing web is, you can lose the prospects as easily as you generate them. Your website has to be excellent and then some to capture visitors’ attention almost instantaneously.
However, there are a few tips that can get you ahead of the competition in terms of capturing visitors’ attention. More importantly, you don’t have to be a guru coder or designer to pull it off. Below you can find the seven tactics to drive engagement and reduce bounce rates on your website.
1. Determine the Cause of High Bounce Rate
High bounce rates often signalize that there is something wrong about your website. Fortunately, you can determine their cause. All you have to do is look at the Google Analytics data. If you don’t have it, install it immediately. It’s free, and the installation is effortless.
Go into the Channels report in Google Analytics to see the bounce rate for each channel. If the bounce rate is not high for your marketing channel, your marketing message is on point. You’ll have to fine-tune either the marketing copy or your website content.
2. Engage Your Visitors With the Latest News
Visitors can skim through a web page in a matter of seconds. If there isn’t a thing that can capture their attention, they’ll probably bounce off. It might be a good idea to try capturing their attention with the latest news. Not just any news, but news that’s relevant for your industry and your target audience.
Publishing news on a daily or hourly basis is a tedious task. Fortunately, you can completely automate it with a news API. Staying ahead of the latest news in your industry can also help you. You can learn about what the competition is doing and implement some of their tactics to get your visitors interested in what you have to offer.
3. Match Marketing Offer With Landing Pages
Not matching marketing offers with landing pages is a rookie mistake, but it happens even to the most experienced marketers. If prospects get interested and click on a link that takes them to irrelevant content, the chances they’ll leave your website are pretty high.
You’ll need to do some boring work, but it has to be done. Make sure to check links in your marketing messages across all channels. Every offer and CTA has to link back to relevant content on your website. The content has to be up to date and on point. Images can help you drive engagement. Feel free to add high-quality images to your pages and hero slides to increase the odds that a visitor stays with you.
4. Simplify Website Navigation
Website navigation has one simple role – enable visitors to quickly find what they are looking for. If you choose flashy and breathtaking navigation that doesn’t fulfill its primary role, you’ve missed the target. It’s a common web design pitfall, but you can easily fix it.
Make the navigation as simple as possible. Simple as in – your visitors don’t have to spend a second figuring out how the navigation works. Play the familiarity card. Take a look at the navigation of your most successful competitors and apply the same principles.
5. Build Subscriber List
The most efficient way to drive and maintain engagement is to be in contact with your target audience. To be in contact, you need to get their email address. In professional jargon, you need to build a subscriber list. You have plenty of options to incentivize your visitors to leave you their email address.
For instance, you can create an actionable guide, industry overview report, or something along those lines and deliver it in the form of a free ebook. Your visitors’ personal data is your most valuable asset. You can use it to keep them in the loop and engaged with your brand, product, or services.
6. Greet Newcomers With Live Chat Message
Annoying popups, sidebars, and screen fillers only disrupt the user experience. In many cases, they can increase the bounce rate and ruin engagement. You can overcome the user experience disruption with a non-intrusive live chat greeting.
A simple “Welcome to our website, feel free to talk with us if you need anything” will suffice. It doesn’t cover up the entire screen, and visitors can easily cancel it with a click on the “x”. The people who decide to talk with your agents will leave valuable information you can use to bring more improvements and drive engagement.
7. Improve Website Loading Speed
We’ve reserved the most technical tactic for the end. For this one, you will need help from someone who knows a thing or two about web development. Website loading speed is one of the most important user experience factors.
To improve it, you will need to optimize images, minimize your website code, or even use a content delivery network.
This sums up our mini-guide. Hopefully, these tactics will help you achieve your goals and delight your website visitors. Make sure to check the time spent on page reports and bounce rates after implementing changes to see the results.
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